See below what our clients have to say about working with us.

Our experience working with NCD has always been positive, and our relationship with them has deepened over time as they have continuously helped us identify which products and materials would be the best fit for our customers’ needs. We come to them for creative solutions for our customers who want to transition to more eco-friendly packaging.

Jose Rafael Gonzalez

General Manager, DosMil50

I am confident that NCD would be a valuable asset to any organization seeking a dependable manufacturing supplier in sustainable packaging products.

Jorge Aria Garita

Merchandising Director, Mayca a Sysco Company

NCD has consistently delivered exceptional quality products, adhered to timely delivery schedules, and demonstrated a strong commitment to meeting and exceeding our specifications. Their professionalism, attention to detail, and dedication to sustainability have been instrumental in supporting the growth of our sustainable packaging category.

Warner Barrantes Rodriguez

Head of Input Purchasing and Expenditure, Auto Mercado S.A.

We consider NCD Corporation to be one of our Strategic Suppliers and sincerely appreciate their efforts at keeping us in-stock, keeping prices as stable as they have been, and in working around the disruption that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused in global supply chains

Kelly McIntosh

Supply Chain Manager, Trade Winds Citrus Ltd.

We have not experienced any problems dealing with NCD, the products are of excellent quality and orders are made in full as planned.  


Martin Beney

Head of Global Supply Chain, 4 Aces

We have found the quality and pricing of their products to be of good quality and at very competitive prices. Orders have been processed promptly and delivered in full when placed.

Charles Marjadsingh

Division Manager- Food & Consumer Division, A. A. Laquis Trinidad Ltd

Por medio de la presente hacemos constar que la empresa NCD CORPORATION es nuestro socio comercial desde el año 2020, en los cuales se han desarrollado como una empresa comprometida y responsable con el medio ambiente y sobre todo con sus socios.

Hugo Berriero

Representante de 42RA Group en Paraguay

NCD CORPORATION es nuestro socio comercial desde el año 2020, años en los cuales siempre se han desarrollado como empresa comprometida y responsable con el medio ambiente y sobre todo con sus socios.

Ivonne Julieta Torres V

 Director General, Ecovo

Siempre nos hemos sentido satisfechos con sus productos, ya que reúnen las características necesarias, según nuestras necesidades. 

Eric Guerra

 Gerente de Operaciones, Olimpus Commercial Corp

Damos fe del fiel cumplimiento de los compromisos comerciales mantenidos hasta la fecha en los tiempos solicitados.

Roberto Ramos

Gerente General, Inkoop

Podemos dar Fe de honestidad, fidelidad y Cumplimiento con sus obligaciones commercials.

Yasmin Rosmira Guevara Florian

Gerente General, Ecoallpa

Siempre nos hemos sentido satisfechos con sus productos, ya que reúnen las características necesarias, según nuestras necesidades.

Konstantino Giannareas

Director Comercial, Ultracom